
Sign-up will be open from March 17th to April 17th, 2024.

There are 29 spots in the game. Some spots will be decided by lottery while others will be casted.

You sign up as either a single participant, in pairs (one Inspired and one Muse), groups of three (two Inspired who own one Muse), or groups of four (two Inspired and two Muses). If you sign up as a single participant, you will be assigned to a pair.

You will know if you got a spot in the first week of May, 2024. Your spot is not completely secured until you pay either the full amount or the first instalment of 200 euros.

If there are more sign-ups than available spots, there will be a weighted lottery which means that we will create a lottery for some spots and fill up the rest with people with the kinds of preferences for play that we think would benefit the larp.

Casting process

In the sign-up form you will be asked about your name, contact information, larp experience, special needs, expectations for the larp and what kind of stories and experiences you are looking for. 

Please take a moment to think about what kind of experience you would enjoy. If you are signing up as a pair or a group, please discuss your expectations beforehand. You all have to fill out the form.

You will receive a list of the people who signed up to note if there is anyone you think should be “red flagged” or “yellow flagged”. The flag colors mean, respectively, if you think they are an unsafe player or if you are okay with them being at the larp but you just don’t want to have a close relation with them. 



The price of the larp is 660 euros. You will have to pay the full amount or the first instalment by the 1st of June 2024.